Acholi Quarters (AQ) houses at least 30,000 people and with the numbers growing two-fold by the day, the slum-dwellers’ community is a beehive of activity. The last eight days haven’t been any different with preparations stepping up a gear or three for the upcoming ‘Sports Gala’ scheduled for Wednesday, March 15.

Future African Leaders: The girl-child has embraced the beautiful game of soccer and has also learnt how to live a clinically hygiene lifestyle. (Photo/Aliguma Foundation Media)
Aliguma Foundation Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ritah Aliguma and L.C III Councilor of Kireka-Banda B1 Zone Ismail Mukoiko have earned the mileage visiting at least 20 schools to promote the foundation’s Schools Outreach Programme (SOP) as well as invite them for the gala.
Most of the schools have confirmed their presence on the day - to the delight of the foundation officials who run heavy traffic to ensure everything is in place for a smooth day.
Behind The Scenes: A brief video showing the visit that CEO Ritah Aliguma and L.C III Councilor Ismail Mukoiko have done in the build-up. (Video/Aliguma Foundation Media)
Balls and sanitary pads, as is the norm, were distributed on the visits to the schools and some spared for the elderly mothers, most of them single.
The works at the Acholi Ground are also something worthy of note as they have literally involved everyone; from the foundation’s officials down to the juveniles, youth and their parents.
Enjoy our gallery of visuals and videos from the general cleaning activities;
Worthy Distraction: A collection of images from the school visits to several primary schools and works at the Acholi Quarters Playground in preparation of the Slums Schools Sports Gala on March 15. (Photos/Aliguma Foundation Media)
Elgon Infants Primary School, God’s Will Kindergarten & Primary School, St. Matia Mulumba Boarding & Primary School, Kireka Army Primary School, Kyambogo Primary School, Luigi Primary School, Aisaya Primary School in Katogo, Creamland Primary School and Mbuya Barracks Primary School among others are some of the schools that have confirmed their participation in the foundation’s latest discovery – The Slums Primary Schools Sports Gala.
Fresh Look: A short video showing the youth lending their impeccable skills to beautify the Acholi Quarters Playground ahead of the sports gala. (Video/Aliguma Foundation Media)
If all goes well, the Aliguma Foundation will be tempted to turn it into an annual fete with more schools and partners, and it will run for more than just a day and attract more schools from less-privileged communities and societies.