reaching community through sports:
Slum Soccer started out as a simple weekend session to keep Acholi Quarters residents entertained particularly children who could feel the boredom especially during school holidays.
These sessions soon developed into fully fledged coaching camps, educational and healthcare workshops and societal development programs. Typical participants came from some of Kampala’s marginalized Communities including homeless, recovering addicts, slum dwelling children and the like.
The Aliguma Foundation operates in multiple Slum Areas with major emphasis on Acholi Quarters Slums in Banda-Nakawa Division, Kampala District, offering specialized life resilience programs for children, their mothers and other at risk persons.

empowerment through skills training:
Aliguma Foundation has empowered the community by exposing its membership to events like soccer clinics and tournaments, by inviting special guests speakers- speakers with experience in different experiences, and by providing hands-on workshops like craft making, etc.
We plan on embarking on more formal skills development through our skills department, under the guidance of Skills director, Saltray Lubega's leadership.

formal & informal education: Beyond just sports
As we engage with these children and their families, we also seek to identify and develop career goals with them through sports.
We strive to enhance education and literacy among children in order to obtain holistic human development.
We have partnered with several schools to admit some of our members as their students. The schools provide affordable learning opportunities and bursaries/ scholarships for some of the children.
We also support these children and women in vocational/trade skills development as a form of informal education.
The foundation depends on its supporters and donors, as well as lucrative income generating activities to sustain this project.

community & individual health & self-care
Our Health Services for Women/Mothers and the Community
Monthly workshops for mothers, facilitated by experienced professionals from Kampala and its surroundings.
The women are taught how to prepare low budget nutritious meals and provided with information on Family Planning and prevention of HIV / AIDS.
Family Planning centers have been opened.
Health and Specialty Health camps ( Eye, Gynae etc), OPD's and nutrition camps are organized especially for women and also for communities with the help of Medical Teams
We can dedicate the watch shops checkups and camps to you or anyone you wish to give the dedication to.

addressing rampant child abuse: one community at-a-time
Since its involvement with the Acholi Quarters Slum dwellers, particularly young girls 6-17 years, the Aliguma Foundation has identified the great need for technical assistance, comparative information sharing about SGBV exploitation, sexual or other harassment and capacity building opportunities.
The key challenge in is mapping the proper sequencing and management of these various processes.
We also seek and hope to influence institutional reform- a prerequisite for a return to civic and communal engagement.
The Foundation has been very active in all three of these fields and can build on strong community partnerships for effective outcomes.

Aliguma Foundation understands the importance of nutrition. the children and mothers in these slums have very low or no income for their households. This makes it impossible for them to afford meals on a daily basis. Most of these families can only afford a single meal per day, if any.
We make effort to feed the children and their families especially on event/ activities days, but we have also developed a tight-knit relationship- enough to know when it has become impossible for some families to get fed at all.
Our partners including friends, local leaders, churches, and other entities have been vital in helping provide food and basic supplies to this community.